
Professional Stenographer course in Multan Bahawalpur

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  • Ad ID: 774004

  • Added: November 27, 2023

  • Sale Price: ₨123

  • Regular Price: ₨123

  • Location: Pakistan

  • State: Punjab

  • City: Rawalpindi

  • Phone: 03115193625

  • Views: 77

  • Website: www.icollegete.com


Professional Stenographer course in Rawalpindi Punjab Pakistan
Admission open 2023
Shorthand is an efficient transcribing method that transfers audible content to written

symbols. Shorthand skills have long been important in professional occupations. They are

crucial in the legal and medical fields, where speed and accuracy are paramount.Shorthand is

an efficient transcribing method that transfers audible content to written symbols. Shorthand

skills have long been crucial to professional occupations, especially in the legal and medical

fields where speed and accuracy are paramount.Shorthand is easy to learn and you will enjoy

mastering a secret script you can use for the rest of your life.Writing shorthand is like

writing longhand, but it is quicker. English has some set of signs (alphabet) to record the

words. Shorthand also has some set of geometrical signs. Like longhand, the shorthand signs

also can be read back later or put back in longhand words.Shorthand (Stenography) is learned

by constant, regular, and vigorous practice.It takes 2 to 6 months to complete the exercises,

depending upon the time utilized for its practice every day.Pitman’s Shorthand is based on

rules and hence you must be thorough with all the rules and exceptions included.After

completing the course, you will be able to write in shorthand, a simple general passage at 40

to 50 words a minute, The way to become an expert shorthand writer is by reading, copying, and

taking down from dictation shorthand that is not only rightly formed by the rules of the

system, but also a good example of shorthand writing in itself and with regular practice, 80

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words per minute and above can be achieved.To become a professional in shorthand, you need to

practice hard every day as directed in the lessons and also to continue to practice shorthand

till you get through the examination or till you fetch good employment.There is still a good

demand for qualified stenographers in the present-day market and thousands of vacancies in the

government and private sector are yet to be filled.

Professional Stenographer course in Rawalpindi Punjab Pakistan

Shorthand Training will cover the following content:
Application of Principles and Rules
Use of Each Letter of the Alphabet & Word Beginnings/Endings
Days of the Week, Months of the Year
Brief Form Abbreviations & Blends
Gerund, Plural Forms, and Punctuation
Special Outlines, Distinguishing Outlines, and Grouping
Transcription Practice
Professional Stenographer course in Rawalpindi Punjab Pakistan

Basic Shorthand Course In Lahore, Pakistan



Shorthand Course in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

International College of Technical Education Pvt. Ltd
Head Office :
Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza
(Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road,
Rawalpindi, Pakistan 46000.
Email : info@icollegete.com
Contact : 051-6122937, 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949

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