How To Make Your Apartment a Home

Adil Jawaid December 7, 2020 No Comments

How To Make Your Apartment a Home

How To Make Your Apartment a Home Imagine yourself seeing a luxury apartment for sale in Karachi from Sohni Saiban and going through all the stages for buying the apartment. Sounds exhausting? Trust us, this is the easiest part. The real challenge comes when you have bought the apartment and have moved in. Most of us have trouble sleeping or feeling comfortable in a new place. We understand why this happens and how you can solve this issue. The uneasiness bothers you because even though you have bought the beautiful luxury apartment, you haven’t turned it into a home. An apartment needs to reflect your lifestyle, personality, and tastes in order to feel like a home. Doing this might rightly sound like a hefty task to you. We, however, have found the most convenient ways of transforming your new Sohni Saiban apartment into a home. Keep Your Photographs Around Most […]

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5 Common Types of Eye Injuries in Sports

Baichday December 2, 2020 No Comments

5 Common Types of Eye Injuries in Sports

5 Common Types of Eye Injuries in Sports Athletes are more prone to eye injuries than other types of sports-related contusions and trauma. But which sport can put you at risk for ocular trauma? In a previous study, basketball accounted for more than a quarter of all reported sports eye injuries. Eye injuries also often happen to people who play baseball, softball, and football professionally or for fun. Eye Injuries That can Happen in Sports Courts and Fields If you or your children are athletes or have an active lifestyle, you need to become familiar with the different types of sports eye injuries that you or your loved one could suffer from on the court or field. By doing so, you will know how to protect yourself from these injuries or help your children avoid them. Below are the five common eye injuries that can happen to athletes and anyone […]

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Baichday November 30, 2020 No Comments


The entire world requires digital platforms due to demanding situations. This has resulted in the new normal by providing products and services at the customer’s doorstep without any physical transaction with the seller. Hence, online e-commerce platforms have become a support to all businesses. Though e-commerce websites and online marketplaces have developed many folds since inception, now the advancement in technology and the necessity are lifting it to the next level. Recent researches show that online retail sales will grow significantly in the coming years. Social media is one of the effective platforms for businesses to multiply revenue and build brands. Connecting your website with it will improve the sales and customer relationship. The e-commerce websites have transformed the shopping methods of the users. Digital platforms can offer a wide range of choices and power their shopping experience. Designing and developing technology is also improving to match the trends and needs of […]

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Types of Hydraulic Lifts

Baichday October 28, 2020 No Comments

Types of Hydraulic Lifts

Types of Hydraulic Lifts The use of hydraulic lifts has increased rapidly in recent years. Below are descriptions of some of the types. Personnel lifts Forklifts Table lifts Hand pumped lift Medical lifts Platform lifts Automotive lifts Post car lifts Pallet lifts Personnel lifts: Personnel lifts safely lift people to numerous heights for work or movement of materials, like the repair of electrical lines, placement of inventory on a shelf, or access to manage boxes. In gyms, factories, and entertainment centers, they enable janitorial staff to scrub lights and ceilings. Forklifts: Forklifts are designed to quickly move items from one location to a different one. Typical places of application include construction sites, warehouses, factories, and airports. Table lifts: Table lifts are designed to move items from the ground to a workable level. Transportation companies use them to lift materials onto a floor or warehouse floor. Pallet lifts: Pallet lifts are […]

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5 Reasons why you should prefer to learn Quran Online over face to face classes

Baichday October 26, 2020 No Comments

5 Reasons why you should prefer to learn Quran Online over face to face classes

There is no denying the fact that the industry of online learning and online courses is booming. Millions of people around the world are doing courses on the internet. The ever increasing online tutoring websites and courses are proof of this fact. This trend is going to continue as this mode of learning provides multiple advantages over conventional ways of learning. According to recent research, there has been a 300% increase in online learning over the last 5 years. This shows that people are increasingly finding it more effective and convenient at the same time. Almost every subject and language is being taught online. Similarly, the Quran which is the holy book of Muslims is also being taught online by thousands of individuals and institutes. Tens and thousands of Muslims and even non-Muslims around the world learn Quran online at home from tutors setting thousands of miles away from them. […]

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6 Cool New Apps to Compose/Edit Music

Baichday October 23, 2020 No Comments

6 Cool New Apps to Compose/Edit Music

6 Cool New Apps to Compose/Edit Music Want to make some good music on the go? Here are some of the best, top-rated music-making apps for you to choose from! 1. Super Sound  (By HappyBees) 1 M+ Downloads  |  4.8 Stars  |  131k Ratings If you want a simple, feature-rich app with an intuitive design and minimal ads, Super Sound is the app for you. The biggest drawback of this app, in my opinion, is the fact that it doesn’t allow audio layering, a feature present in almost every traditional audio editing application. But that is more than made up for, as it offers every other feature you can imagine, as the video to audio conversion, audio compression (which lets you precisely tune the sound quality you want, perfect for saving space), a built-in equalizer to change the default feel of your tracks, and an audio converter that supports wav, […]

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How to Create a Brand Around Your Persona

Baichday October 23, 2020 No Comments

How to Create a Brand Around Your Persona

How to Create a Brand Around Your Persona Do you ever wonder why people like Dave Thomas or Colonel Sanders used to appear so often in their own commercials? It wasn’t purely due to their vanity. Appearing in your own commercials is a great way to create a brand around your persona. The trick is to do so in a way that gives your viewers an intimate connection to your business. Spotlight Yourself in Plenty of Videos One of the best things you can do to create a brand around your persona is to feature yourself in plenty of original video content. You can do this by uploading videos on a regular basis. Just get a good camera and mic and tell the world what you want them to hear. A personalized video is worth a thousand lines of text. You can use all of the latest video making techniques […]

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Top 3 Considerations for Spa Interior Design

Baichday October 9, 2020 1 Comment

Top 3 Considerations for Spa Interior Design

Top 3 Considerations for Spa Interior Design Picture this: You have been looking forward to a restful and relaxing moment at the spa. You go in and find it to be in total chaos. The reception counter is hidden under mounds of magazines. A wet carpet smell assails your senses. Exposed computer cables are lying around. If you do not want this kind of scene at your spa, then better start hunting for fit out companies that can help you avoid this horrific situation. Form and Function When you want to build your spa, always consider what your customers want. Ask yourself what elements would enhance their spa experience. Better yet, consult with experts such as seasoned architects, fit-out contractors, and interior designers on how you should create a tranquil space. Reputable fit-out companies, for example, can bring their years of experience and expertise to the table. They would know […]

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The Digital Connection: Your Website as a Business Hub

Baichday October 2, 2020 No Comments

The Digital Connection: Your Website as a Business Hub

The Digital Connection: Your Website as a Business Hub 1.95 billion websites. That’s how much ground the Internet population can explore. With over four billion Internet users around the world scouring the World Wide Web at around 144 minutes a day, don’t you think it’s high time that you create a website of your own? Scroll down and discover why you should invest in website design and development. All Roads Lead to Home These days, businesses almost always have a website. Why is this? Simply because a corporate website can be a powerful tool that can boost your business. It can serve as a hub that connects you to your target market. For some, a website is the first “face” of the company that a customer sees. A website can be your best foot forward to reaching your goals. It is, therefore, crucial that you invest in building one that […]

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5 Best Router Settings To Keep Hackers Off Your Cameras

Baichday October 2, 2020 No Comments

5 Best Router Settings To Keep Hackers Off Your Cameras

5 Best Router Settings To Keep Hackers Off Your Cameras If you have the latest technology devices like cameras, speakers, and thermostats in your home, it must be connected to a wireless connection router for internet access. A router is a portal to the internet world. It enables you to connect your smart devices and explore the endless possibilities of the outside world. But as they say, “with technology comes vulnerability.” There is no hack-proof technology. You might assume your routers to be safe and secured, just like it was on the installation day. We hardly realize that without our knowledge, it might have been hacked already. Well, rest assured, taking a few steps will help you lock it down securely so that no dangerous incoming and outgoing traffic takes place. The following are 5 basic router settings to help keep your router safe. 1- Update Your Firmware Regularly Typically […]

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