
Advance Land Surveyor one year diploma course in Attock

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  • Ad ID: 772500

  • Added: October 27, 2023

  • Sale Price: ₨123

  • Regular Price: ₨123

  • Location: Pakistan

  • State: Punjab

  • City: Rawalpindi

  • Phone: 03115193625

  • Views: 74

  • Website: www.icollegete.com


International College of Technical Education.
Head Office :
Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza
(Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road,
Rawalpindi, Pakistan 46000.
Email : info@icollegete.com
Contact : 051-8736681, 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949
Admission open 2023
Advance Land Surveyor one year diploma course in

Rawalpindi,jhelum,chkwal,Multan,Bhalwal.Bhakkar,Faisalabad,Mandi Bahauddin
Advance Land Surveyor one year diploma course in

Rawalpindi,jhelum,chkwal,Multan,Bhalwal.Bhakkar,Faisalabad,Mandi Bahauddin
The course is designed to produce Survey Technician level Personnel. The main objectives of

this course is to provide, not only theoretical knowledge. but in depth practical skill to

students about basic and advanced technological concepts of Surveying and Mapping. The

participants of this program.Surveyors make precise measurements to determine property

boundaries. They provide data relevant to the shape and contour of the Earth’s surface for

engineering, mapmaking, and construction projects.Civil Surveyor
Surveying or land surveying is the technique, profession, and science of determining the

terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between them.

A land surveying professional is called a land surveyor.
Civil Surveyor one year diploma course in Muzaffarabad,Bagh,Hajira.Palandri,Rawalakot
Civil Surveyor one year diploma course in Muzaffarabad,Bagh,Hajira.Palandri,Rawalakot
These points are usually on the surface of the Earth, and they are often used to establish

land maps and boundaries for ownership, locations like building corners or the surface location

of subsurface features, or other purposes required by government or civil law, such as property

sales. Surveyors work with elements of geometry, trigonometry, regression analysis, physics,

engineering, metrology, programming languages and the law. They use equipment like total

stations, robotic total stations, GPS receivers, retro reflectors, 3D scanners, radios,


handheld tablets, digital levels, drones, GIS and surveying software. Surveying has been an

element in the development of the human environment since the beginning of recorded history.

The planning and execution of most forms of construction require it. It is also used in

transport, communications, mapping, and the definition of legal boundaries for land ownership.

It is an important tool for research in many other scientific disciplines.Civil, Land Surveyor

Course Content:
Introduction Civil Surveyor
Classification of survey
Civil Serveyor
Principles of survey
Chain survey
Plotting of chain survey
Compass survey
Bearing system
Drawing Scales
Types of scales
Technical terms
Purpose of Leveling
Plain table survey
Methods of plane table survey
Adjustment of Levels
Total Station Practical Training
Auto Level / Theodolite Training
GPS Practical Training
Advance Land Surveyor one year diploma course in

Rawalpindi,jhelum,chkwal,Multan,Bhalwal.Bhakkar,Faisalabad,Mandi Bahauddin
Advance Land Surveyor one year diploma course in

Rawalpindi,jhelum,chkwal,Multan,Bhalwal.Bhakkar,Faisalabad,Mandi Bahauddin

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